World Timezone Converter

World Timezone Converter

This time zone converter is a free converter that helps you to calculate the date and time difference between countries and to convert from timezone to another timezone with time and date.



 From Timezones

 To Timezones


How to use the world timezone converter

To convert time and date from timezone to another timezone using this online converter, follow these simple steps:

Firstly, enter the date.

Secondly, enter the time.

Thirdly, choose the time zones in which you want to convert the date and time between them.

Finally, click on the convert button.

What is the timezone?

A timezone is a section of the Earth’s surface in which a single time is applied.

Time zones are usually divided longitudinally relative to the globe, starting at the North Pole and ending at the South Pole.

The Arctic and Antarctic regions do not follow any particular time zone, For them, universal time applies.

World Timezone Converter

The date and time difference between countries

This is a table for some results of the conversion of the date and time difference between countries. In this table, we convert the date and time from the (America/New York) time zone to different time zones.

Timezone Time And Date
America/New_York Saturday, 11/February/2023 11:56 AM
Asia/Dubai Saturday, 11/February/2023 08:56 PM
Africa/Kampala Saturday, 11/February/2023 07:56 PM
Australia/Melbourne Sunday, 12/February/2023 03:56 AM
Europe/London Saturday, 11/February/2023 04:56 PM
America/Los_Angeles Saturday, 11/February/2023 08:56 AM
Antarctica/Syowa Saturday, 11/February/2023 07:56 PM
Indian/Maldives Saturday, 11/February/2023 09:56 PM