Julian Day To Gregorian Converter

Julian Day To Gregorian Converter

This is a free converter that you can use to convert Julian day to gregorian date online. convert Julian day to gregorian date accurately.

Enter julian day:

How to use Julian day to gregorian date converter

Using Julian day to gregorian date converter is very easy and simple.

Firstly, enter Julian day.

Secondly, click on the convert button and you will get gregorian day in Month/Day/Year format.

What is Julian day and what is Julian day today?

Julian Day is an astronomical method of measuring time, the number of days from noon on January 1, 4713 BC (4712 BC according to the astronomical count of years) according to the Julian calendar.

Julian Day was first proposed by English astronomer John Herschel in 1849. 4713 BC is the beginning year of the Julian period, introduced by Joseph Scaliger in 1583 for the purposes of history and chronology.

Herschel chose noon on the meridian of Alexandria as the beginning of the day, since this was how the days were counted in the classical Almagest of Claudius Ptolemy.

In addition, the use of a day starting at noon is more convenient for astronomical observations, usually conducted at night and thus falling on one Julian day.

In the second half of the 19th century, it became widespread. After 1884, when the international meridian was moved to Greenwich, the beginning of Julian day is also counted on the Greenwich meridian.

Julian day today is:

Additionally, you can convert the gregorian date to Julian day using the gregorian date to Julian day converter.

Julian Day To Gregorian Converter

Examples of the results of the conversion from Julian day to gregorian date

This is a table for some examples of the results of the conversion from Julian day to the gregorian date

Julian day Gregorian date
2417205 12/25/1905
2429916 10/13/1940
2444423 07/02/1980
2448315 02/27/1991
2452360 03/26/2002
2455517 11/16/2010
2458728 09/01/2019
2459952 01/07/2023